Sunday, April 7, 2013

The MoMA

The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) was on Macy's must see list.  One of her art books from school feature lots of works of art from the MoMA and it was fun to watch her dart from piece to piece.  We discovered that the very cool paintings by the very cool artists are on the 3rd and 4th floors so if we go back, or WHEN we go back, we'll start from the top and work our way down.  (there's a little museum tip for you)

Yes, I think these are ball sacks, for a lack of a better description.  Not sure why i took the picture except it's just so bizarre I couldn't leave without taking one.  Notice the next picture down is two old school shop vacs.  What immediately when through my mind was, ball sacks and shop vacs - what a great topper for a scrapbook page.  :-)  

 AND WE FOUND IT!!  The same Jackson Pollack painting that was at the MET and the same picture I took of Macy looking at the painting!!  Made my day!!
 And Monet - I LOVE Monet....
 This is an artist's conception of the Internet usage world wide.  On the left represents internet usage in 2002 or 2003??  and on the right is 2012.  It's exploded.  Good?  Bad??  only time will tell.
 The Scream by Edvard Munch. I'm pretty sure all three of my kids have done this painting in elementary school.
 Starry night by Van Gogh
 Olive Trees by Van Gogh
 Paul Cezanne.  Not that I'm ever going to own one but it sounds good if you can name it.
And of course Andy Warhol

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