Hiking the Hidden Lake trail was tricky as it was under snow. Lots of snow. They had a 6 inch snow fall two weeks before our trip. I had shorts and hiking sandals on and luckily I brought socks with me. My feet were still frozen when I got back. The snow was also in the process of melting and was slippery. On the side of a mountain, I might add. I concentrated on not losing my footing because there wasn't much to stop me from sliding all the way down the mountain! That would have been a sight! I hiked with two other ladies from our group and we mentioned several times that we didn't think we could make it all the way but we encouraged each other to keep going and whenever we met someone on their way back, they assured us it was worth the trek. They were right, it was worth it! Unfortunately, Hidden Lake was still frozen so it kind of blended in with the snow around it but the mountains were still breath-taking from up there! Did I forget to mention that it was really windy and cold at that elevation? Smart people were prepared with warm coats (winter type) boots and ski poles. We weren't that prepared but I was suprised how warm I was while hiking and sucking wind at that elevation and trying to stay alive. I'm still really thankful that there weren't any news casts regarding a fat woman from Minnesota wearing shorts and sliding down the snow covered mountain. At least not that day... I was hiking with Deb, wearing the white striped jacket, and behind her are three men, one wearing an orange jacket, who were hiking together. The youngest of the group was 30ish and he was hiking with his dad and uncle. It was cool to see them traveling together and encouraging each other. We got brave and asked ages and the uncle was in his 60's if I remember right. The dad was older and wouldn't tell us his age! He was doing a great job conquering the snow and steep climb! I was amazed to hear so many different accents on the way, as well.
Shirley, Excellent commentaries on our hike. I'd like a book of all this, (a shortcut to a scrap book, ya know). I enjoyed your presence on this adventure--from one wild woman to another---Jovial Jennifer
1 comment:
Shirley, Excellent commentaries on our hike. I'd like a book of all this, (a shortcut to a scrap book, ya know). I enjoyed your presence on this adventure--from one wild woman to another---Jovial Jennifer
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