Here is Elmo's litter of kittens. She had them in the wood pile and then moved them to the top of the pile inside a green tarp. A couple of times a day, we climb over three snowmobiles and balance precariously on top of an old hog pen with pipes laying across it to visit Elmo and her babies. They are very cute! Three are orange and white and one is kind of a weird grey/brown and orange tiger stripe. Four in all! John already tried to move them to the pen that we used to keep Elmo in but it went badly. He said she was so distraught and fought so hard to get them out of there he was afraid she'd hurt them or herself getting them back to her nest that he moved them back for her. She's a good mom cat, very protective. So far, I've been able to handle and pet them but I haven't pushed her to move them. Hopefully we can follow them to wherever she takes them next!
How sweet!
for a brief moment as I looked at those adorable kittens I wavered and thought about getting a kitten for my little ones. Thankfully sanity prevailed and I let go of that thought. You enjoy those kittens and I will enjoy looking at pictures that you posted.
They are so beautiful! I am glad that you finally got to see them!
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