Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Too much snow!

After too much snow and worse yet, too much wind which causes mountains of drifts, this poor little shed roof collapsed. John came in Monday evening around 7:00 and said the roof just collapsed. He looked more than a little shell-shocked because he realized that he could have been on the roof. He had planned on being on it that day to push some of the snow off and he had even thought about going up after supper (yes, after dark). His added weight would have made it collapse immediately. Scary thought. This is an old machine shed that now houses our push lawn mowers, grandpa's fishing boat and John's old 1950 Ford truck. The truck was under the end that collapsed. We think the boat will be OK. John hasn't tried to get anything out of it yet and hasn't investigated the damage too far as we are waiting for the insurance adjuster to arrive. This little shed used to be red, then was painted white and the paint has started to peel off making it the most awesome picture background for Christmas cards. I used it again this year for the Christmas cards you haven't recieved yet but will shortly! I will miss this little shed!

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