Sunday, Decembe 26 brought us to Jennie and Curt's house for the Ratzlaff Christmas. Wonderful food, good laughs, fun times. We bring the Bingo game that I bought at the auction we had when our aunts passed away and it's nice to have the reminder of Edna and Lavina every Christmas. We also have prizes to give away to the Bingo winners but we usually have so many prizes that we just keep playing the same game without clearing our cards until everyone has won a prize for that game. Sundrop - a favorite prize.

A variety of other prizes

and more prizes - notice the summer sausage and pepperoni sticks from LaSalle meats. They were a hit and didn't stay on the table very long.

and to the right of the table those would be Schmidt buns. Also a hit and even got my nephew, Micheal, to play a game this year. Once he got his package of buns he went back down to the Bat cave to continue his video games. Aunt Shirley loves you, Mike!

Some excited faces, some not so excited and some just plain mad looking but she really wasn't mad. She was just mugging for the camera!
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