Yet another snow fall and another round of strong winds predicted and we spent the entire day yesterday encased in a snow globe. (well said, Deb!) The snow that was falling was steady and beautiful. Falling straight down - huge flakes and never ending. They were predicting that the winds would come up but it never did so the snow that fell just sat where it landed. As I looked to the north last night out my office window, all I saw was white. Huge mounds of white. I noticed that the propane tank disappeared and there appeared to be a large mountain on the other side of the driveway from there. So much snow. It will be a very wet spring - again. Just like last year. We only hope that it starts melting a little at a time so the earth has a chance to soak it in instead of puddling and creating rivers and lakes where they shouldn't be. Hoping that spring comes soon!